Saturday, 26 March 2011

Crystal Fighters. Live and Rising.

There are two things to bare in mind when attending a Crystal Fighters gig in 2011; they are bigger than you think, they will get bigger. Expecting Basque instruments, Spanish flair and a great sense of proud abnormality, this live spectacle was approached with a great sense of curiosity and inerement. With a hand full of Radio One playlist hits and a joint hosting session with Nick Grimshaw, Crystal Fighters find themselves rising (and rightly so) in Spring 2011.
Entering the stage in long shawls, Apache attire and scruffy, yet stylist long hair, Crystal Fighters immediately appear to be the band their music suggests; a 'hippyish' ensemble, powered by illegal substance with heavy Basque influence (we can only speculate as Sebastien - the bands front man - appears removed from reality, but totally in touch with the crowd of the Ruby Lounge). The set opens with Track No.1 from the debut album, 'Star Of Love', the rather basic pattern and layers of 'Solar System' appear to start things off relatively well for a fairly new outfit on the alternative scene. The crowd accept this and move with it - phase one. A decent opener. What happens next is not what was expected prior to the evenings entertainment. 'Follow' and the rather Dubstep inspired 'Swallow' (a great shame and by far the albums worst - unfitting track) pave the way for the eruption which occurs as 'I Love London' rips out of the small, but mighty P.A system. The crowd rush, bump and clobber into one another as no individual shape can be thrown into the pit of hipsters created- phase 2.
Throughout, the band appear at ease with this commotion, almost as if they are expectant, a true sign of confidence in a newly rising outfit. Any slight scream or highly pitched 'eeeeyyy' from Sebastien is met with riotous applause and lustful admiration. This marks the mid-point which is undoubtedly, and perhaps ideally placed, peak of the show. The trip to the end of the show is how one could imagine the band themselves are feeling, a 'coming down' situation - phase3. 'Plage' is an instant hit, an album favourite and definitely a song which should appear on even the most generic summertime playlist. Lyrically the band are maturing; chanting, wooden rhythmical backing which coincides and brilliant use of repetition make the band a unique and rather different experience to that experienced most years - moving towards a perhaps Basque and Balearic revolution in the alternative and underground music scene (remember nu-rave in 2007 anyone?). The highlight of this 'come down' period (excuse the pun), is 'At Home', the song Nick Grimshaw himself described as a 'definite summertime anthem'. The track is backed heavily by Laure and Mimi, both backing singers proving to be much more than the pretty faces of the stage, with vast contributions both in the studio and live alike (even if Sebastien is screaming most songs into his rag covered microphone). If you need a song to sponsor your spring/summer - Crystal Fighters; At Home should be a definite contender.
Predictably, the band finish with 'Xtatic Truth', a clear fan favourite and fitting end to what was as superb live spectacle. Ignore the hype which surrounds acts like 'Brother', and 'The Vaccines', and put your money in your pocket to join in some different, Basque and Balearic noise in Crystal Fighters 'Star Of Love'. An album which wreaks of summertime fearlessness, a cross between The Naked and Famous and Delorean, Crystal Fighters are becoming, and soon will be, one of the bands of 2011. You heard it hear first.
Gig Rating: 4.0/5

Album Rating 4.2/5
Alex Lester

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