Please welcome to the world of film directing, Richard Ayoade. Commonly known for his role in Channel 4's 'The IT Crowd', playing 'that guy' that simply saves the show from being completely dire- 'Moss'. Switching from the acting role to the directors chair, Ayoade makes a superb debut in 'Submarine'. Side-stepping the cliches of his past and creating an instant classic, we find Ayoade perhaps orchestrating a much more creative and alternative strand in his DNA. .
. Oliver Tate, a brilliantly strange Welsh school boy who spends his days fantasising as many young men do but with a slight twist in his approach; despite the obvious (girls, the kissing of girls, and one girl in particular), Oliver pictures the mass depression which would hit Wales if he were to die. Oliver is a character who can make the audience laugh, although if ever asked, he would never understand why. He is often philosophical in his approach, whilst justifying his actions immediately with a humorous explanation (picture an intellectual Karl Pilkington if possible). At the forefront of master Tate's life are two things, Jordana Bevan and the intense fear that his mother is having an affair with their 'Ninja' neighbour. The former is a completely brilliant character; Jordana is cryptic, mysterious in personality and has a strange obsession with all things flammable. Oliver is smitten, but don't expect a relationship of the 'Romeo and Juliette' or 'Titanic' kind, Jordana hates intimacy constantly shrugging Oliver's hand off her red duffel coat whenever he attempts to comfort her. Oliver's family are also fabulous creations of Ayoades mind. Oliver's father Lloyd Tate is an ex-Open University presenter 'who never quite knew what to do with his hands', whilst his mother is a woman who believes Oliver has some sort of mental disorder - a superbly ironic stance.
'Submarine' is a film which will be adopted by the 'hipsters' who need something else to cling onto after years since 'Napoleon Dynamite' and 'Juno' hit the screens. However, unlike these films, 'Submarine' is much deeper and intelligent, almost a work of art - the photography and cinematography throughout are simply genius. Despite some arguing it to be 'too cool in places', 'Submarine' and Ayoade have every right to feel proud. From the acting to the directing, Ayoade's debut can be deemed an instant success and 'must see' for all young film enthusiasts.
Pulp Rating: 4.5/5
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